Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 2

Hi and welcome back to Term 2 in Team 7.
I hope everyone has had a good break and you have been able to do some things as a family. I have enjoyed being with my wife and children around Christchurch. Unfortunately my Uncle, who is my Dad's only brother, died last weekend and I had to fly out to the funeral in Brisbane. I was therefore not back in Team 7 till Wednesday last week. Judy Anstey, who taught at Fendalton a few years ago, was in Team 7 for Monday and Tuesday. On Monday we also welcomed Miles Kaukau who took the class for Soap Carving for the day. It was a fantastic day of singing, stories and Maori culture as well as carving. Children often rate this day as one of the best of the year!

Week 10 Term One
It seems a long time ago...we finished our Poetry (visual language) books ready for assessment, we had the Cross Country on Thursday and many of the class did very well. Special mention to a few...Annabelle who was 2nd in the 9/10 years 3 laps race, Logan who was 3rd in the 9 years boys 3 lap race and Georgia who was 2nd in the 8 years girls 2 lap Championship race. All three make the School Team for the West Zone Championships on Thursday 14 May. The Table Tennis trials were completed and three out of the four children chosen for the two teams were from Team 7! Well done to Moss, Ben C and Maddison. Obviously having a table in the class has benefits!

Week One
Last week we had Soap Carving all day on Monday and Mrs Anstey in Team 7 for Monday and Tuesday. We visited the library on Wednesday and started some work on the Dewey Decimal sysytem. We sang our "UN Hapu" song at the Senior Assembly on Friday and had the first of our Winter sport trials are also.

Week Two
This week we will start a character description in writing and continue to look at Addition and Subtraction in our maths classes. We will continue with our new novel - "saying Alive in Year 5" by John Marsden and also continue with our Hockey unit - CHILDREN need a mouthguard and shin pads by Week Four please.

A few dates:
  • West Zone Cross Country - Thursday 14 May
  • Rugby Fun Day - Friday 15 May
Sports shoes: As we are training for the Cross country each day, if possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

@Home: NO @home the first week of term but we are back to it this week.

Happy Birthday
Yoo-kyung - 4th May
Jessica - 5th May
Theresa - 8th May
Class Captain: Xiaoling
Class Secretary: Sam

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Newsletter Term One Week 10

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there and welcome to the last (short) week of Term One. A HUG welcome to NATSUKO who joined Team 7 last week and who has recently moved from Japan. The big event for this week is the School Cross Country on Wednesday (or Thursday if wet) afternoon. The children have been training hard for this and we had some excellent runs at the practice last week.

The ESOL rooms are officially opened on Tuesday also and Michelle and Yoo-kyung are involved in this as well as the Kapa Haka group.

Moss did well at the swimming last week to claim 11th fastest 9 year old backstroker in Canterbury, but unfortunately only 10 made the final. Sam B was in the winning A Teeball team on Friday and we had the most of any senior class make it into our North West Choir. Congratulations to: Theresa, Grace, Xiaoling, Xiling, Cille, Jessica, Rachel, Amelia, Annabelle, Stella and Amine.

Have a great Easter and holiday break. I look forward to seeing the children ready for a full term of learning again on Monday 27 April.

Week Nine
Last week we visited the Canterbury Museum on Tuesday and were fascinated by the epic stories of Amundsen, Scott and Shackleton (and Worsley) and we were thrilled to see lots of info. about old boy Frank Worsley. We took the Senior Assembly on Friday and shred our stunning collage portraits artwork and sang a song called "Jammin' in our town" . Well done to Amelia and Yoo-Kyung for speaking. We changed adjectives into Adverbs, ordered decimals to three places and ran in the "Relay of Death".
Week Ten
This week we have the Cross Country on Wednesday, another class meeting, sing a song about the "United Nations" that are in Team 7 and continue to look at the Worsley story and qualities of heroes. We also have our second spelling levels test to see if the children can go up a level.
A few dates:
  • School Cross Country - Wednesday 8 April from 1.30pm
  • Last day of Term One and PTA Sausage Sizzle - Thursday 9 April
CC Training shoes: As we are training for the Cross country each day, if possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

@Home: NO @home for the last week of term!

Happy Birthday
Grace- April 16th
Class Captain: Ben C.
Class Secretary:Georgia C.