Sunday, February 8, 2009

Newsletter Term 1 Week 2

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there
Well, we had a wonderful start to the Term last week and we have a very special class of 10 boys and 16 girls - quite a change for me being girl heavy. Already I have been impressed by their enthusiasm and willingness to give things a go. Well done to all our swimmers (see blog entry below).

Week One
Last week we swam two times, learnt a song called “We’re gonna have a party” and listened to an interesting novel by Kenneth Oppell called “Darkwing”. We wrote about our first day in our draft writing book and some of us published on or class blog! Mrs Coats started taught on Thursday and we continued with our relay batons which we are painting. We did a basic facts assessment and a place value and fractions assessment too. We also visited the Life Education truck and talked about Friends and had our first class meeting.
Week Two
This week we will have a cricket lesson from Canterbury Cricket and have our second visit to he Life Education truck. We will do some more assessments, produce a writing sample (this is school wide as we have a focus on literacy this year), work on capital letters, participate in the swimming sports on Thursday as well as listen to the authors of the "Zac Power" and "Go Girls" series.
A few dates:
  • Swimming Sports Thursday 12 Feb. 12.00-3.00pm (ppd 13 Feb.)
  • Individual Triathlon Wednesday 18 February 9.00am-10.30am (ppd 19 Feb.)
  • Meet the Teacher 6.00-6.40pm(tbc) Wed. 18 Feb in R7
  • Teams’ Tri. 24 Feb. 9.00am-11.00am
  • Camp 2-4 March @ Hanmer - Parent helpers/transport forms due this TUESDAY 10 Feb. and consent/medical forms due this FRIDAY 13 Feb.

Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).
If you would like to talk to me it would be best to catch me after 3.00pm as things tend to be hectic in the morning . Alternatively you can phone me at school and leave a message on 351 9788 ext. 828 or e-mail me at (the best option!)

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Carina.(13 Feb.), Mr N. (24th Feb.)
Class Captain: Theresa
Class Secretary: Moss

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 18 Feb.
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

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