Sunday, February 15, 2009

Newsletter Term 1 Week 3

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there
We have finished our first full week of Term One. We started with a scorching hot day and ended with cold miserable weather but we still achieved lots in between.

I look forward to meeting you this Wednesday but don't worry if you cannot make it. I will hand out a class timetable and the draft of the Friendship list, both of which I can pass on to anyone who can't be there.

Week Two
We had a cricket lesson from Canterbury Cricket and our second visit to the Life Education truck where we looked at the qualities of a great friend. We only swam twice due to the weather. We completed an ASSTLE writing smaple and spelling assessment. We met with our Buddy Class for 2009 - Room 12, Year 2 children and we sang about "Doing the right thing".
Week Three
We will have the swimming sports at some stage this week! Hopefully Monday or Tuesday. A number of Team 7 are involved in the Individual Triathlon on Wednesday. We have a session with maths' students on Monday and start Maths Interchange classes this week. Mrs Gordon will take the top class and Marama and I will have the other students. We will start our inquiry looking at "Heroes" and their qualities.
A few dates:
  • Swimming Sports Monday or Tuesday 12.00-3.00pm
  • Individual Triathlon Wednesday 18 February 9.00am-10.30am (ppd 19 Feb.)
  • Meet the Teacher 6.00-6.40pm Wed. 18 Feb in R7
  • Teams’ Tri. 24 Feb. 9.00am-11.00am
  • Camp 2-4 March @ Hanmer - any remaining consent/medical forms are due

Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Mr N. (24th Feb.)
Class Captain: Theresa
Class Secretary: Moss

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 18 Feb. 6pm in Room 7
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

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