Sunday, May 24, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 5

Hi and welcome to Week Five

This week we have the Learning Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday and I look forward to meeting with you (and your child if they can make it). The children have worked hard at showing you where they are learning and their next steps too.

Hopefully the weather will be kinder and we get to play Friday Sport this week as we are all playing against other schools - in Hockey, Rugby, Football, Netball and Table Tennis.

The ICAS Computer Skills test is on this Wednesday.

Well done to our Cross Country runners. Georgia is now the West Zone 8 year old champion and Annabelle was runner up in the 9 years race and Logan 4th in the boys' 9 years and both have qualified for the Centrals on June 17th.

A number of children have auditioned for the Jump Jam team and find out this week and Grace had her audition for the Town Hall Special Choir last week - a real honour just to get an audition!

Week Four
Last week we had some indoor Hockey games, looked at spelling words that end in y and adding endings and continued with some descriptive writing. We learnt desk rugby with our buddy class and a song about Fudge. We looked at finding information, the main idea and inferencing in Reading and we did an oral language sports report and listened to a story too. We finished our novel and are now on a new one.

Week Five
A reminder school goes to 3pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday and PLEASE BRING THE LEARNING REPORT TO YOUR CONFERENCE. This week we make some fudge and share it as we sing the Fudge song at Senior Assembly on Friday. We will look at using metaphor in our writing, have a levels spelling test and the Room 7 maths' class will look at subtracting sing equal additions and the written form.

A few dates:
  • ICAS Computer Skills Test - Wednesday 27 May
  • Learning Conferences- Tuesday and Wednesday 26 and 27 May
  • Hagley and Fendalton Winter Sports start - Friday 29 May
  • Queen's Birthday Holiday- Monday 1 June
  • Teacher only day- Monday 8 June

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Yoo-kyung - 4th May
Jessica - 5th May
Theresa - 8th May
Class Captain: Amelia
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions: Sam, Ben J., Josh, Louis

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 4

Hi and welcome to Week Four

Nicola Evans is in Team 7 on Monday as I am recovering from probable Chicken Pox - there has been some going round of late and I think I got it in Australia.

This week we are preparing our Learning Reports for the Learning Conferences next week. The children are working hard at showing you where they are learning and their next steps too.

We are looking forward to Friday Sport this week as we are all playing against other schools - in Hockey, Rugby, Football, Netball and Table Tennis. Our boys enjoyed the rugby fun day last week.

The invoices for the term two activity fee went out last week. Just to let you know what the $30 covers: Soap Carving with Mile Kaukau, Elgregoe presentation, Literacy Musical and our Wearable Arts production.

Week Three
Last week we did some great writing on "settings" using similes and adjectives to describe them - do look at this blog below to see the outstanding work and write a comment too!. We started on our oral language sports news presenting unit and we share our Seasons song at Senior Assembly (and were brilliant!). We had more Hockey lessons and chose teams and uniforms and logos and chants for our teams. A number of boys competed in the Rugby Fun Day on Friday.

Week Four
Georgia, Logan and Annabelle will compete in the West Zone Cross Country Champs on Tuesday as it never happened last Thursday. We will continue with our descriptive writing and looking at finding facts in our reading.

A few dates:
  • West Zone Cross Country - Tuesday 19 May
  • Hagley and Fendalton Winter Sports start - Friday 22 May
  • Learning Reports go home - Friday 22 May
  • Learning Conferences- Tuesday and Wednesday 26 and 27 May
  • Queen's Birthday Holiday- Monday 1 June
  • Teacher only day- Monday 8 June

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Yoo-kyung - 4th May
Jessica - 5th May
Theresa - 8th May
Class Captain: Jooyoung
Class Secretary: Annabelle
7 min. Champion: Rachel

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nortons Hut

At Norton's Hut there is hot smoke coming out from the chimney.
The Snow is very cold like water solidly frozen.

Norton's Hut

Snow was as cold as the Antarctic sea,

Tall big mountains thin as a giraffe,

Blue sky clear as the sea ,

Trees still as a statue.


The mud is as muddy as a pig
The shadows are as black as a penguin
The flag is as orange as a carrot
The grass is as green as a vegetable
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as fast as a cheetah
The sky is as blue as the sea

Norton's hut

The snow looked as freezing as the antarctic ocean,
The pitch white snow gliding down as soft as a fluffy jacket,
The dead still trees all around,
The snow was as cold as a freezer,
An old hut in the middle of nowhere. 

Nortons hut

Awoke to piece,
Slipping down Mountains,
Snow as cold as ice from Antarctica,
Still frozen trees as white as a polar bear,
The hut stood there as still as a statue.

By Madi.

Outside in the snow!!!!

The snow is as cold as an freezing frozen ice block.
The sky is as blue as the deep blue sea with soft cotton clouds.
Nortons hut is coverd with freezing cold slippery ice. 

Nortons hut

The bright sun hides behind the icy cold mountains.
The air is as cold as a freezer.
People in woolly jerseys.
the snow is as thick as the thickist duvae

Monday, May 11, 2009


On Monday I won a drawing competition.
It was about sea/medieval so I did a fish with armour and a sword.
It ranked 1st.


Nortons hut

Slipping, Sliding down the mountain, 
Snow as white as the fluffy clouds.
Snow fights, laughing kids.
The air is as quiet as a worm.
The trees are as frozen as status. 
The smell of fresh air .
The hut sitting on the ice all by itself covered in a fresh white coat of snow and a big chimney blowing grey smoke.

By   Amelia

Norton's Hut

Pure white snow, lying lazily over branches like people on beds.
A blue sky, like beautiful shining crystals.
Freezing air, like Antarctica itself.
A bright sun, biting at our backs. Dead tree's, moaning and groaning.
A bright horizon, like a fairy realm. The damp wood of Norton' s hut, ancient and old, the mist of a legend swoops over us. A mysterious man, almost a stature and 
refusing food. With his back to us, He hogs the small, young fire. Pale, white mist, leaking out of the chimney of a snow covered hut. Mountains in the distance, smiling children playing snow fights, yelling and squealing as lumps of snow explode with power, splattering girls and boys with dry snow.

The End.

Norton's hut

We are in the Arctic area,
people wandering like their lost,
we see a brown old hut lives at the middle of nowhere still alive in the snow,
we see trees frozen like thier dead,snowy cliffs sharp like tusks,we are in a winter wonderland as nortons hut sinks

By Xiling


Air is as fresh as a air conditioner.
Snow as cold as a winter chill.
Snow as soft as a fluffy pillow


Nortons hut

At Norton's hut their is the cold white snow as white as the clouds covering the roof
tops and the cold bitter winds knocking on door. Everyone is freezing to the bone
like steak in the freezer.

Nortons hut

Snow as white as a fat polo bear.
a hut old and brown with snow on the roof top.
Long grey smoke like a grey camera.
mountains as big as the moon.


There's cold freezing snow!!!
At Norton's hut,It is small,very old,has a really big chimney.
They got stuck in the snow for three days!!!

Norton's hut

The air felt like a cold breeze from Antarctica,
blue clear sky as blue as the deep blue ocean,
people wondering around,
smoke as white as snow,
the snow as fluffy like cotton candy,
we see a brown,wooden,old hut,
snow all around the hut in the middle of the picture 
like chocolate stuck in ICE CREAM!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Outside Similes

The grass is as green as broccoli 
The Tree is as tall as a Giraffe
The Plane is as noisy as a Helicopter 
The Sky is as blue as our classroom inside and outside
The dirt is as dirty as mud

outside the door

The grass is as green as broccoli
The wind was as cold as a fridge
The flag is as orange as a carrot
The sky is as blue as the sea
The car is as slow as a ant
The skip is as smelly as a dead animal


Cars are as loud as a jet
Grass was as green as a lime
Flag was as orange as a orange
Goal post was as white as snow



The trees are Green as a Leaf.
The Wind
is cold as antartica.
the grass is green as Green Plants.
The air Blowing hard as the concrect
'the mud is dirty as a pig.
The cars are fast as a cheetah
The sky is blue like the ice blocks in antartica

Similes Description

The grass swishes like a flag.
The tree's are bigger than a elephant.
The wind is colder than the sea.
The plane is like a drum going on and on.
Dirty mud is like sloppy chocolate.
Leaves are as rough as leather.
Puddles are like the deep blue sea.
The sky is like fresh, spring water.


The grass was as green as broccoli.
The trees as quiet as a dead body.
The plans as loud as drag cars.
The cars as loud as P51s and stukers having dog fights.
The skip as stinky as a rubbish dump.

Similies Description

The grass is as green as a emerald.
The wind is as cold as Antarctica.
The sun is as gold as a crown.
The children is as loud as a parrot.
The mud is as brown as a poo.
The sky is as blue as a sapphire.
The house is as still as a painting.
The grass is as soft as a cat.
The wood is as rough as Rhinoceros skin.
The tree is as yellow as the sun.
The field is as humongous as a aeroplane.
The garbage is as smelly as a pigsty.

By Xiling

Newsletter Term Two Week 3

Hi and welcome to Week Three

Well, Winter sure has come with a vengeance and the children were disappointed about not being able to participate in their Winter Sports last Friday.

I hope all the Mums enjoyed their special day yesterday and you enjoyed getting our piece of writing and your soap carving.

Week Two
Last week we will wrote a character description in writing about our mums and we continued to look at Addition and Subtraction in our maths classes. We sang a song about seasons and worked on a timeline of the Endurance and James Caird - Shackleton and Worsley's journey. We had PE lessons in Hockey and also participated in three minutes of intense fitness each day.

Week Three
This week we will be working on "settings" in our writing and using similes to describe them. We will work on an oral language sports news presenting unit and share our seasons song at Senior Assembly. We will hopefully have more Hockey lessons and Georgia, Logan and Annabelle will compete in the West Zone Cross Country Champs on Thursday and a number of boys will be in the Rugby Fun Day on Friday.

A few dates:
  • West Zone Cross Country - Thursday 14 May
  • Rugby Fun Day - Friday 15 May
Mouth guard and Shin Pads: Can children please have these ready for next week.

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Yoo-kyung - 4th May
Jessica - 5th May
Theresa - 8th May
Class Captain: Jooyoung
Class Secretary: Annabelle
7 min. Champion: Rachel