Sunday, May 24, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 5

Hi and welcome to Week Five

This week we have the Learning Conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday and I look forward to meeting with you (and your child if they can make it). The children have worked hard at showing you where they are learning and their next steps too.

Hopefully the weather will be kinder and we get to play Friday Sport this week as we are all playing against other schools - in Hockey, Rugby, Football, Netball and Table Tennis.

The ICAS Computer Skills test is on this Wednesday.

Well done to our Cross Country runners. Georgia is now the West Zone 8 year old champion and Annabelle was runner up in the 9 years race and Logan 4th in the boys' 9 years and both have qualified for the Centrals on June 17th.

A number of children have auditioned for the Jump Jam team and find out this week and Grace had her audition for the Town Hall Special Choir last week - a real honour just to get an audition!

Week Four
Last week we had some indoor Hockey games, looked at spelling words that end in y and adding endings and continued with some descriptive writing. We learnt desk rugby with our buddy class and a song about Fudge. We looked at finding information, the main idea and inferencing in Reading and we did an oral language sports report and listened to a story too. We finished our novel and are now on a new one.

Week Five
A reminder school goes to 3pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday and PLEASE BRING THE LEARNING REPORT TO YOUR CONFERENCE. This week we make some fudge and share it as we sing the Fudge song at Senior Assembly on Friday. We will look at using metaphor in our writing, have a levels spelling test and the Room 7 maths' class will look at subtracting sing equal additions and the written form.

A few dates:
  • ICAS Computer Skills Test - Wednesday 27 May
  • Learning Conferences- Tuesday and Wednesday 26 and 27 May
  • Hagley and Fendalton Winter Sports start - Friday 29 May
  • Queen's Birthday Holiday- Monday 1 June
  • Teacher only day- Monday 8 June

Water and Fruit/Veges: I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Yoo-kyung - 4th May
Jessica - 5th May
Theresa - 8th May
Class Captain: Amelia
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions: Sam, Ben J., Josh, Louis

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