Monday, June 8, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 7

Hi and welcome to Week Seven

First of all, sorry for not writing a newsletter last week. With a short week and my parents arriving for Grace's 4th Birthday and the Student Learning Conferences in Week 5, it never got written!

Thanks to all of you who came to the conferences. Hopefully they were useful and gave you an idea of how your child is doing and some next steps to work on. The children who attended the conferences did very well and I was thrilled to see they knew what they were talking about

Week Five and Six
Over the last two weeks we have made Fudge with our buddies and sang about it at our Senior Assembly, looked at the root words of words with a suffix and my maths class has been working on subtraction using equal additions and by renaming using pencil and paper. We have started "selling books" at the library to our peers and in reading we are looking at finding the main point, reading in context and inferencing. We have played some Hockey games and continued with our 3 minute fitness sessions. We have looked at the qualities of a hero - look at our graph just inside the door.

Week Seven
We have our last Hockey games this week and next week we start a unit on Football that will be taken by CGHS Senior PE students. We will continue reading our new class shared novel - "Amongst the Hidden" by Margaret Haddix (from the Shadow People series). We have more book selling at the Library and Mrs Coats is starting a printing unit in Visual Art.

A few dates:
  • North West Festival Choir Practice- Tuesday 9 June
  • Gym team to Olympia - Tuesday 9 June
  • School Disco- Friday 12 June
  • Centrals Cross Country - Wednesday 17 June
  • Breakfast with the Boys - Wednesday 1 July - all Dads invited, tickets from the office for $5
Happy Birthday
Georgia - 22 June
Ben J. - 29 June
Xiling and Xiaoling - 30 June
Class Captain: Louis Beckert
Class Secretary: Madi Hansby
7 min. Champions: Stella, Ben C., Michelle and Jacob

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