Sunday, October 18, 2009

Newsletter Term 4 Week 2

Shalom and welcome to Week Two for Term 4

It was great to see all (well not Louis - SUNBURN!) of the children back last week and we also welcomed a new member to our class - Jiwon, as well as Miss Annalise Vannoort and also not forgetting "Nibblet" the mouse, our class pet - well done the the Pet Committee who organised this! (photo coming!)

Well done to all our members of the Senior Choir who performed at the Christchurch Schools' Music Festival on Friday. My Uncle went along to support Avonhead School and said it was a marvellous evening of stunning singing - well done!

This week we have the Athletics Eliminations, a visit to the Gym again and a visit to see the Middle School Production.

Week One
We had our first of four gym visits to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics, we looked at the written form for multiplication and division in the Room 7 maths' class. In language we looked at Homophones and we sang a song about the Homework Blues. Miss V read us a neat story and we enjoyed our new class shared novel, Maurice Gee's "Under the Mountain". We made our "Christmas boxes" to send overseas.

Week Two
This week we have the Fendalton Spelling test and an Asttle Reading test also. We have a visit to the CSG on Wednesday and a visit to the Ngaio Marsh Theatre on Thursday to see the Middle School Production - parents are welcome to join us on either of these trips. We have another Touch lesson in P.E.
A few dates:
  • Gym visits: to QEII Chch. School of Gym 9.00am-11.30am 21, 28 October and 4 November
  • Visit to Ngaio Marsh Theatre for Middle School Production: Thursday 22 October 12.30-3.30pm
  • Athletics Dates: 19 October - Eliminations Day, Tuesday 27 October School Athletics 11.00am-3.00pm, Thursday 29 October Finals Day 4.30pm-7.30pm, Thursday 13 November West Zone Athletics.
Happy Birthday in October:
2nd: Madi
21st: Logan
Class Captain: Yoo-kyung
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions:

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