Sunday, October 11, 2009

Newsletter Term Four Week 1

Hi and welcome to Week One for Term 4

Well, the last term for 2009! We had a great finish to last term and were sad to see Mr Prattley leave us but today we have Miss Annelise Vannoort from the University starting with us for the next four weeks.

Well done to Annabelle (pictured) who ran so well at the Inter-Regional Cross Country last term.

Mrs Norton said the Flow Day was great and all the children were fantastic for the last two days of term and helped clear the class as our carpet was cleaned over the holidays.

Week One
This week we will have our first of four gym visits to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics - can children please wear School P.E. uniform each Wednesday for the next four Wednesdays. We will look at the written form for multiplication and division in the Room 7 maths' class. In language we will look at Homonyms and in writing we will finish some work on persuasive writing. We will sing a song about the Homework Blues and finalise our Athletics qualifiers for next Monday.
A few dates:
  • Gym visits: to QEII Chch. School of Gym 9.00am-11.30am 14, 21, 28 October and 4 November
  • Athletics Dates: 19 October - Eliminations Day, Tuesday 27 October School Athletics 11.00am-3.00pm, Thursday 29 October Finals Day 4.30pm-7.30pm
Happy Birthday in October:
2nd: Madi
21st: Logan
Class Captain: Yoo-kyung
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions:

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