Saturday, December 5, 2009

Newsletter Term 4 Week 9

Hi there and welcome to Week 9 of Term 4 in Team 7 - only 8 full school days to go till the end of the year!

It was fantastic to see so many Dads in Team 7 on Friday for the Read, Feed, Speed. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this, the children were thrilled to see you there.

Well done to Logan and Annabelle (pictured) who were placed at the Primary Sports Canterbury Athletics last Tuesday. Logan was a member of the 9 years boys' relay team who were second and Annabelle had a super race to take 3rd out of 36 in the 9 years girls' 1000m.

Learning Reports went home last Friday and hopefully you have had a chance to have a good look at them. This is our first year of reporting in this way, so do give us some feedback on how you have found them.

Week Eight
Last week we will presented a number of our weather findings to the class - the children were great and we look forward to more this week. We had our first class game of touch but didn't swim last week! We will continued working in our Reading Groups and we had fun being angels and mortals.

Week Nine
This week we will help out the Junior School with their Run, Jump, Throw day. We will present our final Weather Inquiries, have another "mortal" to look after, design a thirst quenching drink, play some more touch and a number of us are in the Cycle Champs heats on Tuesday. Logan and Rachel are at a Cricket tournament on Wednesday and Sam B. is at the Milo Trophy Finals on Friday. The new seating area is opened on Thursday evening.


A few dates:
  • Tuesday 8 December: Cycle Heats for Year 5
  • Thursday 10 December: New seating area opened - Kapa Haka performing
  • Wednesday 16 December: 1.30pm Year 6 Leavers' Assembly
  • Thursday 17 December: 9.30am-10.30am Final Assembly (children may go after this)
Happy Birthday in December:
2nd: Cille
5th: Mrs Norton!
Class Captain: Ji-Won and Georgia
Class Secretary: Sam B
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Newsletter Term 4 Week 8

Hi there and welcome to Week 8 of Term 4 in Team 7 - only 3 weeks to go till the end of the year!

Apologies for my absence last Monday and Tuesday - I had a very sore throat and still have a bit of a tickle.

The children sang beautifully at the Senior Assembly - we really have some lovely voices in our class!

The children are very excited about the end of the year and we have some fun things coming up.....Angels and Mortals...Read, Feed, Speed 0n Friday - hope to see lots of Dads!!!!...Cycle champs......"Thirst Quencher" Technology name a few.

Jooyoung, Xiling and Xiaoling were very impressive playing their violins at the Orchestra Assembly on Friday.
All the best to Logan, Cille and Annabelle as they compete in the Primary Sports Canterbury Athletics on Tuesday at QEII.

Week Seven
Last week we swam about three times, sorted out our touch teams and sang two songs at the Senior Assembley - and we were brilliant. We worked hard in our reading groups, did some work on our Weather Questions, met with our buddies and completed some art with Mrs Coats.
Week Eight
This week we will present our weather findings to the class. We will swim in our swimming groups with Room 8 and play some touch. We will continue working in our Reading Groups and we will have a class meeting and find out who we are an angel for - for the next week.

We will see all dads at 11.30am at Room 7 this Friday for Read, Feed, Speed!!!!


A few dates:
  • Tuesday 1 December: Centrals Athletics @ QEII
  • Friday 4 December: READ, FEED, SPEED from 11.30am-1.00pm - ALL DADS PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY!!!
Happy Birthday in December:
2nd: Cille
5th: Mrs Norton!
Class Captain: New on Monday
Class Secretary: New on Monday
7 min. Champions:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There are four seasons which I am going to tell you about

Summer features in December,January and February.
it's the hottest time of the year with temperatures of
up to around 35 degrees celsius.

Autumn arrives in March and departs in May.It's my
favourite season because the leaves on some trees turn
different colours like gold and red.

Brrr!It's winter time and it's very cold
Winter comes in June and goes in August. Many lakes get
frozen over at times because it's so cold

Ahh! it's Spring time and all the flowers start to bloom.
Even better!Animals are starting to come out of hibernation
Spring comes in September and stays until November.

Seasons come and Seasons go although I wish Summer would stay


There are lots of different temperatures in different seasons like hot,cold and windy.
Some peoples favorite seasons are Summer and Winter.

Seasons can have different types of weather.Like it could be really,really hot and some can be horribly wet and rainy.

It can be a bit weird because when it is Summer it can be rainy and when its Winter it can be hot.

Seasons can be good and bad.It does depend on the weather and who you are.For example, in Summer, farmers might want rain while holiday-maker want sunshine all day long.

By: Georgia :)


The seasons are: summer, winter, autumn and spring
Summer is really hot and it come first out of the seasons.
In summer go to the beach. the days are longer.


Autumn comes second out of the seasons it sometimes is cold and sometimes
Is warm. the tree leaves turn different colours.


Winter is really cold it can snow in winter.
You can play really cool winter sports



There are four different seasons,Summer,Autumn, Winter & Spring.


Summer is the hottest season. It goes through from the end of the year to the start of the next year. The Summer months are December, January & February. In Summer the days are longer so you can do sports like swimming, korfball, cricket, t-ball etc.


Autumn is the season when the tem
perature go
es lower & the leaves change colour & fall to the ground. The days get shorter & nights longer. The Autumn months are March, April & May. In Autumn people start to wear long sleeve tops & even scarves.


Winter is the coldest season. the temperature goes even lower & the days shorter. The Winter months are June, July & August. In Winter people wear: beanies, scarves, long socks & gloves. In Winter you can play sports like: netball, soccer, hockey & rugby.


Spring is the time when the sun & flowers come out & you get ready for Summer. The Spring months are September, October & November. In Spring you can start to play Summer sports.

All the Seasons have their own speciality. All are different, but all are great.

Monday, November 16, 2009

The seasons!

                In summer you can do lots of stuff because it is hot.
                You can go to the beach. You can also buy Ice creams and ice blocks.
                 You can sunbath at the beach too.

                In winter its very cold. Sometimes there is fog. In Romania it snows
                 everyday, but here in New zealand it does not. And the best thing about
                snow is that you can play a sorts of games. Like snow fights, making snow-mans
                 and more.

              In autumn leaves fall off trees.
              Sometimes in autumn we go with some friends to the park.

              In spring my mum my grandma and I plant some vegetables 
               in our garden. We have to water the plants every single day.
               They need sun and water to grow.

                             Most people like summer because its warm 
                                          and you can do lots of things.



There are four different seasons, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. Some are hot and some are cold.


The months in summer are December, January and February. In summer you can go swimming, play volleyball and go water-skiing.


The months in autumn are March, April and May. In autumn you have to do the raking.People like me don't like doing the raking.

The months in winter are June, July and August. In winter you can go skiing, play in the snow, play hockey and netball.

The months in spring are September, October and November. In spring you start to play summer sports and the flowers come up. Spring ROXS because its super close to summer.

I like summer and spring.Summer because it is warm and we can swim outside and spring because it is close to summer so we can do those things again.


There are four season they are called Summer Winter Autumn & spring.

Summer is when it is hot. It goes through December January & February. It is a good time to play cricket t-ball croquet and tennis.
autumn goes through march April and may. In Autumn the leaves fall from the trees to the ground. But the weather is colder then Summer.

Winter it is really cold. people like winter because they can play lots of sports like rugby soccer hockey and Grid-iron. people like to go skiing in winter too.

spring is  when it is warmer and plants grow and people can go swimming and play cricket

people like summer as a favourite season because people can play lots of sports and it is hot.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Everyone is involved in four fantastic seasons.
They are called Summer,Autumn,Winter and Spring.
Summer is very hot everyday and days start to get longer as the night starts to get shorter.
You can swim play sports and other stuff that involve the outdoors.
Summer months are December,January and February.

Autumn weather starts to get colder,so everyone has to wear long sleeves and sometimes you might even have to wear a scarf.Autumn months are March,April and May.

Winter is completely cold everyday.That's why loads of people wear long sleeves,gloves,beanies and don't forget jerseys.Some of the sports you can play are ski-ing , netball,rugby and soccer.No of course you can't go swimming ,who would?. Winter months are June,July and August.

Spring starts to get warmer and daylight saving starts.People can start swimming again and play those fun sports.The sports you can play are volley ball,padder tennis,cricket and t-ball.Spring months are September,October and November.
All seasons have their own speciality in them but although all of them have their own speciality I still like Spring because the flowers bloom and the animals give birth to their babies or new borns.


There are four different seasons,all with different personalities.

Summer is quite hot sometimes over 30 degrees in Australia
and daylight saving starts. You can do loads of things in summer
like play cricket,T-ball and go swimming.

Autumn is the season when it gets colder than before. You see
leaves on the ground and they change colours. You can't do
as much outside really in Autumn because its such a gloomy-

Winter is the coldest season amongst all of the seasons.You can't do as much
outside in winter,but you can play netball,soccer and rugby.The nights are
longer in winter.

Spring is the most graceful season out of all. Many animals lay there eggs or
give birth to their babies in this season.

Many people likes spring as their favorite season because its mild and cool.



There are four seasons they are called Summer,Winter,Autumn and spring.
summer is when it is hot. It goes through December,January and February. It is


There are four unique seasons, all different from each other.
Summer, Winter, Autumn, and Spring.
In Summer,the days grow longer and the nights shorter. The temperature rises and there are lots of things to do, such as swimming, surfing, going to the beach, and eating ice cream
In Summer, there is daylight savings too.

That means we get more daylight hours.
In Autumn, it gets colder and the leaves turn brown, red and orange.
Lots of leaves fall and it's fun to jump in them.
In this special season, you can play lots of leaf games. Unlike Summer, the days are shorter and the nights are longer.
This is because it is nearly winter.

In Winter, it is just like Autumn, but much, much colder. Sometimes, there is frost on the grass. Children start to play inside.
They just draw, read, write or play with toys.
When you go out, parents are firm about keeping warm. The clothes you should be warmer with big coats or scarves.

In Spring, flowers bloom and animals give birth to their young. The days are just like Summer and the clothes get cooler. It's the perfect season for flower picking, tag, or even swimming.

Some people enjoy Autumn because of all the leaves.
Seasons are truly wonderful.


There are four different seasons
Every season his different weather,
there is hot weather,warm weather,cold weather and freezing weather.

Summer is a very warm season. It is a great time of the year to play sport. IT is also the best time to go to the beach. In summer people like to wear shorts and a t-shirt.

Autumn is the time of year when all the leaves start to change colour and fall off the trees.


There are four different seasons in the year. There are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Spring is a season when flowers grow. It is a season when animals have babies. It has a mild weather. You can wear cooler clothes than in winter.

Summer is the hottest season of all. You can play sports like cricket, t-ball, volleyball and you can also go swimming. You wear shorts and t-shirts. The temperature is above 20 degrees celcius.

Autumn is the time of the year when leaves fall of trees. They also change colour first. The days get short and the nights get a longer. The temperature is normally below 22 degrees celcius.

Winter is the coldest season of all. You can play sports like soccer and hockey. You wear long sleeves and long pants. The temperature is normally below 17 degrees celcius.

Seasons are very interesting because they all have something different and you can do different things.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Newsletter Term 4 Week 6

Hi there and welcome to Week 6 of Term 4 in Team 7 - only 5 weeks to go till the end of the year!

Well done to all of our athletes who represented the school at the West Zone Champs on Thursday. Cille (pictured), Logan and Annabelle all qualified for the centrals on Tuesday 1 December at QEII. The week before Ben J. took third in the Rotary Speech contest (see blog below). This week our musicians take part n Mini-music evenings - all the best to them.

As the pool warms up we will go for swimming lessons most days - can children please bring their swimming togs and towels or a note if there is a reason they cannot swim.

Week Five
Last week we had our last Spelling Levels test, an art session on Wednesday with a visitor - some stunning action drawings were completed. We swam twice in the pool, looked at the structure and tense of Information Reports and sang about the Sea. We looked at nouns in language and different aspects of weather by interpreting photos.

Week Six
This week we will finish an information report on seasons, play some touch rugby and swim, meet with our Fendalton Friends group and our Buddy class and perform our Sea Song at the Senior assembly. We will continue our language focus on parts of speech and have some more inter-school sport on Friday. The boys will have their second session of Boys' Choir on Friday.

A few dates:
  • Tuesday 1 December: Centrals Athletics @ QEII
  • Friday 4 December: READ, FEED, SPEED from 11.30am-1.00pm - ALL DADS PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY!!!
Happy Birthday in November:
Class Captain: Madi
Class Secretary: Sam
7 min. Champions:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Speech Success for Ben J.

Congratulations to Ben J. who took third place at the recent Rotary Speech Competition finals on Nov. 5th at Heaton Intermediate. Ben's speech on Michael Jackson had him singing close on twenty lines of the iconic pop star's songs. Well done Ben, Team 7 is very proud of you! Aoife from Team 22 won the Year 5 section and Sam V from Room 9 won the Year 6 section - a great night for FOS!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Newsletter Term Four Week 4

Kola and welcome to Week Four for Term 4

This week is yet again another busy one with Athletics and our last Gym visit. We also say farewell to Miss V.

The Athletic sports for everyone are on Tuesday (they were postponed from last week) 11.00am-3.00pm. Team 7 had some superb performances last Thursday evening with Logan
becoming the Junior Boys' Champion ahead of Ben C. and Cille and Annabelle placing 2nd and 3rd. Stella won both the Junior Girls' Discus and Shot and many other Team 7 children performed superbly.

Week Three
Last week we will continued looking at syllables in language and also continued with the written form for multiplication and division in Room 7 Maths. We had a trip to the gym on Wednesday, Athletics Finals on on Thursday and many of us went with the the Kapa Haka group trip to the Art Gallery on Thursday.

Week Four
This week we will start writing some Information Reports as we also continue looking at the Weather - our new Inquiry Topic. We have a class meeting, some more Touch Rugby lessons and some more work on Area in our maths strand on Thursday.

A few dates:
  • Gym visits: to QEII Chch. School of Gym 9.00am-11.30am - 4 November
  • Athletics Dates: Tuesday 3 November School Athletics 11.00am-3.00pm, Thursday 13 November West Zone Athletics.
Happy Birthday in November:

Class Captain: Louis
Class Secretary: Amine
7 min. Champions:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New class member Nibblet

This is Nibblet the mouse.She has been here for two weeks.She has shiny dark fur and due to her lazyness and hunger she is quite FAT.
At first she was shy and hid in her little house.But now she is coming out more often.She also has an adorable habbit of nibbling on your finger when you stick it in her cage(Hence the name Nibblet). We had a stall that was orginised by Jessica,Stella and Xiling (With a little help from Xiaoling and Theresa).We all love her very much.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Newsletter Term 4 Week 2

Shalom and welcome to Week Two for Term 4

It was great to see all (well not Louis - SUNBURN!) of the children back last week and we also welcomed a new member to our class - Jiwon, as well as Miss Annalise Vannoort and also not forgetting "Nibblet" the mouse, our class pet - well done the the Pet Committee who organised this! (photo coming!)

Well done to all our members of the Senior Choir who performed at the Christchurch Schools' Music Festival on Friday. My Uncle went along to support Avonhead School and said it was a marvellous evening of stunning singing - well done!

This week we have the Athletics Eliminations, a visit to the Gym again and a visit to see the Middle School Production.

Week One
We had our first of four gym visits to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics, we looked at the written form for multiplication and division in the Room 7 maths' class. In language we looked at Homophones and we sang a song about the Homework Blues. Miss V read us a neat story and we enjoyed our new class shared novel, Maurice Gee's "Under the Mountain". We made our "Christmas boxes" to send overseas.

Week Two
This week we have the Fendalton Spelling test and an Asttle Reading test also. We have a visit to the CSG on Wednesday and a visit to the Ngaio Marsh Theatre on Thursday to see the Middle School Production - parents are welcome to join us on either of these trips. We have another Touch lesson in P.E.
A few dates:
  • Gym visits: to QEII Chch. School of Gym 9.00am-11.30am 21, 28 October and 4 November
  • Visit to Ngaio Marsh Theatre for Middle School Production: Thursday 22 October 12.30-3.30pm
  • Athletics Dates: 19 October - Eliminations Day, Tuesday 27 October School Athletics 11.00am-3.00pm, Thursday 29 October Finals Day 4.30pm-7.30pm, Thursday 13 November West Zone Athletics.
Happy Birthday in October:
2nd: Madi
21st: Logan
Class Captain: Yoo-kyung
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Newsletter Term Four Week 1

Hi and welcome to Week One for Term 4

Well, the last term for 2009! We had a great finish to last term and were sad to see Mr Prattley leave us but today we have Miss Annelise Vannoort from the University starting with us for the next four weeks.

Well done to Annabelle (pictured) who ran so well at the Inter-Regional Cross Country last term.

Mrs Norton said the Flow Day was great and all the children were fantastic for the last two days of term and helped clear the class as our carpet was cleaned over the holidays.

Week One
This week we will have our first of four gym visits to the Christchurch School of Gymnastics - can children please wear School P.E. uniform each Wednesday for the next four Wednesdays. We will look at the written form for multiplication and division in the Room 7 maths' class. In language we will look at Homonyms and in writing we will finish some work on persuasive writing. We will sing a song about the Homework Blues and finalise our Athletics qualifiers for next Monday.
A few dates:
  • Gym visits: to QEII Chch. School of Gym 9.00am-11.30am 14, 21, 28 October and 4 November
  • Athletics Dates: 19 October - Eliminations Day, Tuesday 27 October School Athletics 11.00am-3.00pm, Thursday 29 October Finals Day 4.30pm-7.30pm
Happy Birthday in October:
2nd: Madi
21st: Logan
Class Captain: Yoo-kyung
Class Secretary: Josh
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 8

Hi and welcome to Week Eight for Term 3

This week we have the Student Led Conferences on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon and evening. The children are looking forward to showing you some of their learning. Be prepared to play badminton, participate in a maths' game and listen to a mihi and some singing!

Well done to Sam and Moss who helped the A Hockey team win the Centrals. All the best to Ben J. and Moss as they represent the school at the Current Events quiz. The children are all sharing their speeches this week and we have the Senior School finals on Wednesday morning.

Well done to Madi (pictured below on the left with Jordyn from Room 22) and Sam who helped the Fendalton Ski Team to 3rd= in the Canterbury Schools' Ski races at Mt. Cheeseman on Saturday.

Mr Prattley (Jason) or Mr P. to the children, is taking charge of the class from Wednesday for the next six days. We will be teaching together and we will get lots done!

Week Seven
Last week we continued with our Oral/Visual presentations - see them and their grade at your Student Led Conference. We wrote a three minute speech, played our first session of Korfball and stared athletics - the shot put. Most of us were assessed on our mihi pronunciation and we sang "She'll be right" at the Senior assembly.

Week Eight
We will participate in more athletics events and have another korfball session. Ben J., Rachel, Stella and Jacob will compete in the Inter-school orienteering next Saturday and Sunday. We will have our class speeches over the next two days and then have Senior school finals on Wednesday. We will continue looking at prefixes and then suffixes in language and continue with exposition writing and our calendar art with Mrs Coats.

A few dates:
  • School Photos: Monday 7 September
  • Korfball Sports Lessons Wednesdays 9, 16, 23 September
  • Senior School Speech Finals - 9.00am-10.30am Wednesday 9 September
  • Student Led Conferences 3.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 3.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September (Annabelle)
Happy Birthday in September:
9th: Rachel (and Emily Norton is 12!)
17th: Jooyoung

Class Captain: Natsuko
Class Secretary: Ben C.
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 7

Hi and welcome to Week Seven for Term 3

Thanks to the parents who helped out with our Badminton trip last week. The children really enjoyed going and putting their learning into practice.

Hopefully you have received a little note about when your student led conference is with your daughter or son. They are looking forward to sharing their learning in a variety of areas with you.

All the best to Sam and Moss who participate in the Centrals on Thursday for the A Hockey team.

Week Six
Last week we visited Badminton Hall, wrote some more arguments (Expositon Writing), worked in our reading groups and looked at Multiplication and Division in the Room 7 maths class. We sang a song called "She'll be right", continued learning and pronouncing our mihi and participated in a powhiri with the rest of the school.

Week Seven
This week we will continue with our Oral/Visual presentations, write a three minute speech, play some Korfball and start some athletics. We will all be assessed on our mihi pronunciation and continue singing our "She'll be right" song and reading our shared novel.

A few dates:
  • Korfball Sports Lessons Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23 September
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: 12.00pm-3.00pm Thursday 3 September - Sam and Moss involved with A Hockey Team
  • School Photos: Monday 7 September
  • Senior School Speech Finals - 9.00am-10.30am Wednesday 9 September
  • Student Led Conferences3.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 3.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in September:
17th: Jooyoung
Class Captain: Natsuko
Class Secretary: Ben C.
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 6

Hi and welcome to Week Six for Term 3
We welcome Mr Jason Prattley from the University/ Teaching College this week. He will be with us for the remainder of the term.

We have our trip to Badminton Hall on Tuesday. Can parents coming with us please meet 9.00am at the room - they can play also!

We are looking forward to more lessons from the Christchurch Boys High boys this week.

We took the Senior Assembly last week and the children looked great in their "country" clothes and enjoyed taking a gumboot throw and potato peeling competition.

Week Five
Last week we had a spelling levels test with a good number of children going up a level. We learnt about Badminton rules, had three PE lessons from the CBHS boys and did some persuasive writing. We continued with more Oral/ Visual presentations - Round 2, looked at Contractions in spelling and took the assembly singing a song called "Down to the Country".

Week Six
This week we will visit Badminton Hall, write some more arguments (Expositon Writing), work in our reading groups and look at Multiplication and Division in the Room 7 maths class. We will sing a song called "She'll be right", continue learning and pronouncing our mihi and participate in a powhiri.

A few dates:
  • Badminton Hall Visit - 9.00am-11.30am Tuesday 25 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 24, 26, 27 August
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: 12.00pm-3.00pm Thursday 3 September - Sam and Moss involved with A Hockey Team
  • School Photos: Monday 7 September
  • Senior School Speech Finals - 9.00am-10.30am Wednesday 9 September
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 2.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in August:
16th: Moss
28th: Sam
Class Captain: Moss
Class Secretary: Madi
7 min. Champions: Sam

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 5

Hi and welcome to Week Five for Term 3

It was sad to say goodbye to Mr Mak last week but we sent him off with a fun party and a signed football last Friday.

We all enjoyed going to the Town hall to hear Australian author Andy Griffiths (pictured). He had us all laughing non-stop with his creative thinking and story-telling.

We are looking forward to the Christchurch Boys High boys taking us for a series of six sports lessons over the next two weeks.

Next Tuesday, 25 August, we are going to Badminton Hall for the finish of our Badminton unit. We will need parents to transport us and to play! We will leave FOS at 9.00am and return to FOS by 11.30am. A note will come out this week.

Week Four
Last week we had more Oral/Visual presentations and we practised a mihi (Maori speech of welcome) and had our final two Badminton lessons with Mr Mak. We took the school assembly on Friday with our buddy class and sang a song about NZ heroes. Well done to Louis and Cille who were the announcers.

Week Five
This week we have a spelling levels test, learn about Badminton rules, have three PE lessons from the CBHS boys and start some new art with Mrs Coats. The ICAS maths exam is on Wednesday and the Town Hall Choir has an area rehearsal on Monday. We will continue with more Oral/ Visual presentations - Round 2, writing some arguments in preparation for our Rotary speeches

A few dates:
  • Badminton Hall Visit - 9.00am-11.30am Tuesday 25 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 August
  • ICAS Maths Exam - Wednesday 19 August
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: 12.00pm-3.00pm Thursday 3 September - Sam and Moss involved with A Hockey Team
  • School Photos: Monday 7 September
  • Senior School Speech Finals - 9.00am-10.30am Wednesday 9 September
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 2.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in August:
16th: Moss
28th: Sam
Class Captain: Moss
Class Secretary: 
7 min. Champions: Louis, Sam, Josh

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wearable Arts by Natsuko

Last week on Monday and Tuesday Team 7 were in the Wearable Arts at the Ngaio Marsh Theatre.

I liked being in our class dance, watching the Kaphaka group perform and modeling.

There was nothing that I didn't like about the performance.

I felt happy and proud and great.

Next time I would like to be able to watch the whole show

Newsletter Term Three Week 4

Hi and welcome to Week Four for Term 3

Wow, what a week last week! A number of you have commented to me on the stunning Wearable Arts from the Senior team and our wonderful input. I was so proud of Team 7 and it is one of those experiences that the children will never forget. Our children did so well as models, in our dance, in the Kapahaka group, final song and also Ben as the Taxi driver. Thanks to all of you who helped with our art, with dropping off and picking up and also for coming along to see the show.

This week we say farewell to Mr Mak (Justin Makinson) and the students will really miss him. He has been tremendous and we wish him all the best for the remainder of his training and his eventual teaching career. The children are looking forward to having him as their PE teacher when they are at High school!

Well done to Sam and Moss who were members of our winning A Hockey team at the West Zone Winter Tournament last week. They will compete at the Centrals Winter Tournament on Thursday 3 September at Hagley Park.

This week we are going to see author Andy Griffiths speak on Wednesday afternoon. We need one parent to accompany us. We will leave school at 12.30pm and return before 3.00pm.

Week Three
It was all about Wearable Arts and the West Zone Winter Sports tournament that we all took part in. We had another badminton lesson, visited the library and read more of our Andy Griffiths' serial book, wrote about and reflected on the Wearable Arts and did some printmaking with Mrs Coats.

Week Four
This week we will have more Oral/Visual presentations and catch up on some we missed from last week. We move into Multiplication/Division in the Room 7 maths' class, write and practice a mihi (Maori speech of welcome) and have our final two Badminton lessons. We will take the school assembly on Friday with our buddy class and sing a song about NZ heroes.

A few dates:
  • Andy Griffiths' Author Visit - Wednesday 12 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 August
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: Thursday 3 September
  • School Photos: Monday 8 September
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 2.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in August:
16th: Moss
28th: Sam
Class Captain: Rachel
Class Secretary: Jacob
7 min. Champions:ask Mr Mac

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 3

Hi and welcome to Week Three for Term 3

It is a very action-packed week with Wearable Arts, West Zone Sports Tournament, ICAS English test on Wednesday and the Chess tournament on Thursday too. We hope you can come along to see our class dance and the art we have made also.

Congratulations to Moss and L0uis who made Canterbury Development Hockey Teams last week.

Please note the Student Led Conferences are now on 9 and 10 September and school will close at 2.00pm both of those days.

Week Two
We finalised our NZ Personalities class dance and our pieces of Wearable art. We did some sewing of our dance costume (black NZ Silver fern singlets) and we had lots of Senior School W.A. practices, Kapa Haka practices, model practices etc. We met with our buddies and had some Oral/Visual presentations also.

Week Three
It's all about Wearable Arts on Monday and Tuesday as well as the West Zone Winter Sports tournament! We will also visit the Library, sing, write about the Wearable arts and continue with looking at stats in maths in Room 7. We will have another Badminton lesson and do some more printing in art.
A few dates:
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
  • West Zone Winter Sports Tournament: 10am-12.00pm Tuesday 4 August
  • ICAS English: Wednesday 5 August
  • Fendalton Zone Chess Tournament: Thursday 6 August
  • Andy Griffiths' Author Visit - Wednesday 12 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 August
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: Thursday 3 September
  • School Photos: Monday 8 September
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm Wednesday 9 September, 2.30-7.00pm Thursday 10 September (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in August:
16th: Moss
28th: Sam
Class Captain: Rachel
Class Secretary: Jacob
7 min. Champions:ask Mr Mac

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 2

Hi and welcome to Week Two for Term 3

It was great to see all the children again last week and hear about their exciting holidays and see them all working together for the week. It was great to welcome Justin Makinson from the University PE Teacher training group.

Please order your Wearable Arts tickets as it will be a great show and rthe children have worked very hard at theior pieces of art and at our class dance to introduce NZ Personalities. The Kapa Haka group has also practised hard as well as BEN J who is one of the main presenters.

Also, please return any West Zone Sports notices if you can help out next Tuesday.

Week One
This week we completed an Oral/Visual presentation in class in preparation for individual presentations over the next six weeks. We started a Badminton unit, prepared for our dance for the Wearable Arts and prepared our wearable arts. We looked at Antonyms and Synonyms in spelling and more statistic in Maths. We met with our buddy class, sang a song about heroes and started a new shared novel by Andy Griffiths.

Week Two
This week we will finalise our NZ Personalities class dance and our pieces of Wearable art. We will do some sewing of our dance costume (black NZ Silver fern singlets) and we will have lots of Senior School W.A. practices, Kapa Haka practices, model practices etc. So it will be very busy! We will also have two badminton lessons.
A few dates:
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
  • West Zone Winter Sports Tournament: 10am-12.00pm Tuesday 4 August
  • Fendalton Zone Chess Tournament: Thursday 6 August
  • Andy Griffiths' Author Visit - Wednesday 12 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 August
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm 19 August, 2.30-7.00pm 20 August (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament: Thursday 3 September
  • School Photos: Monday 8 September
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in July:
Louis 6th
Josh 7th
Maddison 25th
Class Captain: Logan
Class Secretary: Carina
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Newsletter Term Three Week 10

Hi and welcome to Week One for Term 3

Hi everyone and welcome back to Term Three in Team 7.

I hope you all had a good break and most of you are over end of term sickness. I was sick for all of the first week of the break and still have a bit of a cough but am ready to get into a full term. The rest of my family has been a little sick too so the break was mainly spent at home recovering!

This term is going to be action-packed with the Wearable Arts, Winter Sports Tournaments, Badminton, Oral/Visual Presentations, Rotary Speech competitions, Student Led Conferences and more.....

We welcome Mr Makinson from the University of Canterbury for the next four weeks. He is a trainee P.E. teacher. Unfortunately we say farewell to two Team 7 members who are moving schools. All the best to Michelle and Grace, we will miss both of you in Team 7.

Week Ten Term Two
The last week of term week we had our Levels spelling tests with many children going up a level. We finished some more of our science experiments and our football teaching from the CGHS girls was completed. We had a class meeting and the opening of the Junior Playhouse and a mufti day. Mrs Coats took us for more print-making and we looked at Statistics in the Room 7 maths class - including some Jelly Bean maths!

Week One Term Three
This week we will complete an Oral/Visual presentation in class in preparation for individual presentations over the next six weeks. We will start a Badminton unit, prepare for our dance for the Wearable Arts and prepare our wearable arts. We will start some Expositional writing and look at Antonyms and Synonyms in spelling.
A few dates:
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
  • West Zone Winter Sports Tournament: 10am-12.00pm Tuesday 4 August
  • Fendalton Zone Chess Tournament: Thursday 6 August
  • Any Griffiths' Author Visit - Wednesday 12 August
  • CBHS Sports Lessons 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, 27 August
  • Student Led Conferences 2.30-5.00pm 19 August, 2.30-7.00pm 20 August (School closed at 2.00pm both those days)
  • PSC Centrals Winter Tournament
  • School Photos: Monday 8 September
  • CC Team to Nelson 23-25 September
Happy Birthday in July:
Louis 6th
Josh 7th
Maddison 25th
Class Captain: Xiling
Class Secretary: Maddison
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week Ten

Hi and welcome to Week Ten

Congratulations to our participants in the Northwest Choir on Tuesday - from all accounts you were super! Well done also to Rachel and Jessica who represented the school at the Primary Sports Canterbury Artistic Gym championships on Monday last week and did so well, especially to Rachel who helped the team do so well - look at the Sports Blog report.

The children are very excited about the Wearable Arts and may ask you to transport them to Creative Junk this week

This Tuesday is a mufti day and all Dads and boys need to get a ticket from the office for the Breakfast with the Boys ($5) at 7.30am on this Wednesday.

Week Nine
Last week we set to planning our Wearable Arts creations and did more science experiments looking at the qualities of materials. We had two football lessons, wrote our narrative stories, looked into words with silent letters and looked at statistics and geometry in the Room 7 maths class. We started some work on our dance for the Wearable Arts and also planned our creations.

Week Ten
This week we have our Levels spelling tests, will finish our science experiments and our football teaching from the CGHS girls. We have a class meeting, Fendalton Friends, opening of the Junior Playhouse and mufti day. Mrs Coats will teach on Wednesday (not Thursday) this week as I will be at Halswell Quarry.

A few dates:
  • Mufti Day - Tuesday 30th June - children can dress as Heroes or someone who inspires you - Gold Coin donation for our World Vision Sponsor child.
  • 7.30am Breakfast with the Boys - Wednesday 1 July - all Dads invited, tickets from the office for $5
  • Elgergoe performances - Wednesday 1 July
  • Last day of term - Friday 3 July - NO SENIOR SPORT
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
Happy Birthday
Ben J. - 29 June
Xiling and Xiaoling - 30 June
Class Captain: Xiling
Class Secretary: Maddison
7 min. Champions:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 9

Hi and welcome to Week Nine

This week we have 11 children involved in the Northwest Music Festival at Burnside High on Tuesday - the most of any class at FOS. The choir sounds fantastic and are a credit to themselves, the school and to Miss Alley who takes them. All the best for Tuesday evening!

Rachel and Jessica will represent the school at the Primary Sports Canterbury Artistic Gym championships on Monday - all the best girls, you have been practising very hard.

Annabelle had a great run at the Primary Sports Canterbury Cross Country last week and took 12th place in a field of 100 9 year old girls. This makes her a reserve for the Primary Sports Canterbury Cross Country team to run in Nelson in Term 3. She also helped the West Zone team to a Bronze in the teams' event. Logan came 68th in a very competitive 9 years boys race.

Children need their PE gear on Monday and Thursday for the CGHS Football lessons.

Next Tuesday is a mufti day and all Dads and boys need to get a ticket from the office for the Breakfast with the Boys ($5).

Week Eight
Lat week we started a unit on Football taken by CGHS Senior PE students - children need their PE gear and shoes Monday and Thursday this week. We stated some Science experiments looking at the qualities of different types of materials, looked at using metaphor in writing and started some narratives. We continued with our Printing Unit and sang a song about a "Rugger".

Week Nine
We are looking forward to planning our Wearable Arts creations and to more science experiments looking at the qualities of materials. We will work on our board games with our buddy class on Wednesday as well have some more books "sold" to us. We will look at silent letters in spelling and sing our "Rugger" song at the Senior Assembly on Friday.
A few dates:
  • PSC Artistic Gym Champs - Monday 22 June
  • Northwest Choir Practice (9am-12pm) and Performance(7pm) - Tuesday 23 June
  • Mufti Day - Tuesday 30th June - Heroes or someone who inspires you - Gold Coin donation for our World Vision Sponsor child.
  • Breakfast with the Boys - Wednesday 1 July - all Dads invited, tickets from the office for $5
  • Elgergoe performances - Wednesday 1 July
  • Last day of term - Friday 3 July
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
Happy Birthday
Georgia - 22 June
Ben J. - 29 June
Xiling and Xiaoling - 30 June
Class Captain: Xiling
Class Secretary: Maddison
7 min. Champions:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Newsletter Term Two Week 8

Hi and welcome to Week Eight

This week Logan and Annabelle are competing at the Primary Sports Canterbury Cross Country Championship on Wednesday at Halswell Quarry. I will be there all day with them and as a selector/coach of the PSC CC team. Judy Anstey will be in the class.

Week Seven
Last week we had our last Hockey games. We had some more books "sold" to us at the Library and we sang a rugby song at the Senior Assembly. We talked about our Wearable Arts creations and we had our own wearable arts competition with 14 minutes, 2 sheets of newspaper and 1m of sellotape to make a head piece - look at our photos (coming). Three students completed the ICAS Science tests last week also.

Week Eight
This week we start a unit on Football that will be taken by CGHS Senior PE students - children need their PE gear and shoes each Monday for the next three weeks. We are starting some Science experiments looking at the qualities of different types of materials - any materials and equipment you can supply will be appreciated. We will continue with our Printing Unit and also plan our Wearable Arts creations.

A few dates:
  • PSC Centrals Cross Country - Wednesday 17 June
  • Hockey Trip to Porritt Park - Thursday 18 June
  • PSC Artistic Gym Champs - Monday 22 June
  • Northwest Choir Practice (9am-12pm) and Performance(7pm) - Tuesday 23 June
  • Breakfast with the Boys - Wednesday 1 July - all Dads invited, tickets from the office for $5
  • Elgergoe performances - Wednesday 1 July
  • Last day of term - Friday 3 July
  • Wearable Arts Performances - 7pm Monday 3rd and 1pm and 7pm Tuesday 4th August
Happy Birthday
Georgia - 22 June
Ben J. - 29 June
Xiling and Xiaoling - 30 June
Class Captain: Louis
Class Secretary: Madi
7 min. Champions: Amelia and team