Sunday, February 22, 2009

Newsletter Term 1 Week 4

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there again
Thanks to those of you who came to the "Meet the Teacher" meeting on Wednesday. We talked about Team 7, the timetable and generally some expectations.

Week Three
We had Swimming Sports and Individual triathlon. Many of the Team 7 members took part and did very well. It was great to see children having a go and trying their hardest - this is the most important thing! Stella won two Junior swimming titles and was runner-up i the Junior Championships - amazing! Louis was second in the school Triathlon and won the 9 years boys section in a new school record, beating his brother Max's record! We had a session with some maths students from the University, wrote some goals for Term One, sang a song about "Being Young isn't Easy" and met with our buddies. We had another class meeting and started some Collage art with Mrs Coats.
Week Four
This week we are getting ready for Camp - we will be there this time next week! Maths interchange starts this week and the last of the FPS (Future Problem Solving) trials take place on Monday. We are ALL in the Teams' Triathlon on Tuesday. We have new spelling levels
A few dates:
  • ICAS exam forms tob returned to the office drop box please.
  • Teams' Triathlon Tuesday 24 February 9.00am-10.30am (ppd 25 Feb.)
  • Camp 2-4 March @ Hanmer - any remaining consent/medical forms are due

Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Mr N. (24th Feb.)
Class Captain: Ben J
Class Secretary: Georgia

Looking forward to great weather next week at Camp!
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Newsletter Term 1 Week 3

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there
We have finished our first full week of Term One. We started with a scorching hot day and ended with cold miserable weather but we still achieved lots in between.

I look forward to meeting you this Wednesday but don't worry if you cannot make it. I will hand out a class timetable and the draft of the Friendship list, both of which I can pass on to anyone who can't be there.

Week Two
We had a cricket lesson from Canterbury Cricket and our second visit to the Life Education truck where we looked at the qualities of a great friend. We only swam twice due to the weather. We completed an ASSTLE writing smaple and spelling assessment. We met with our Buddy Class for 2009 - Room 12, Year 2 children and we sang about "Doing the right thing".
Week Three
We will have the swimming sports at some stage this week! Hopefully Monday or Tuesday. A number of Team 7 are involved in the Individual Triathlon on Wednesday. We have a session with maths' students on Monday and start Maths Interchange classes this week. Mrs Gordon will take the top class and Marama and I will have the other students. We will start our inquiry looking at "Heroes" and their qualities.
A few dates:
  • Swimming Sports Monday or Tuesday 12.00-3.00pm
  • Individual Triathlon Wednesday 18 February 9.00am-10.30am (ppd 19 Feb.)
  • Meet the Teacher 6.00-6.40pm Wed. 18 Feb in R7
  • Teams’ Tri. 24 Feb. 9.00am-11.00am
  • Camp 2-4 March @ Hanmer - any remaining consent/medical forms are due

Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Mr N. (24th Feb.)
Class Captain: Theresa
Class Secretary: Moss

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 18 Feb. 6pm in Room 7
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Swimming Sports Postponed

Due to the weather our swimming sports have been postponed to MONDAY 16 FEBRUARY. The weather doesn't look the best for Monday though, and they may be held on TUESDAY 17 FEBRUARY. We are sorry for the inconvenience but we were hoping for lovely February weather like we usually get. That is why the sports were scheduled for Week Two of school.

If the pool temperature is too cold we may only swim the length and championship races, as we did last year.

Monday, February 9, 2009

7 Minute Challenge

Are you good at word challenges? Well we did a 7 Minute Challenge last week. We had to make as many words as we could out of the word ''chocolate''. The Champions were Moss And Jooyoung. If you didn't notice, thats us! We also get a free chocolate bar. I wonder what the next 7 minute challenge will be?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Newsletter Term 1 Week 2

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there
Well, we had a wonderful start to the Term last week and we have a very special class of 10 boys and 16 girls - quite a change for me being girl heavy. Already I have been impressed by their enthusiasm and willingness to give things a go. Well done to all our swimmers (see blog entry below).

Week One
Last week we swam two times, learnt a song called “We’re gonna have a party” and listened to an interesting novel by Kenneth Oppell called “Darkwing”. We wrote about our first day in our draft writing book and some of us published on or class blog! Mrs Coats started taught on Thursday and we continued with our relay batons which we are painting. We did a basic facts assessment and a place value and fractions assessment too. We also visited the Life Education truck and talked about Friends and had our first class meeting.
Week Two
This week we will have a cricket lesson from Canterbury Cricket and have our second visit to he Life Education truck. We will do some more assessments, produce a writing sample (this is school wide as we have a focus on literacy this year), work on capital letters, participate in the swimming sports on Thursday as well as listen to the authors of the "Zac Power" and "Go Girls" series.
A few dates:
  • Swimming Sports Thursday 12 Feb. 12.00-3.00pm (ppd 13 Feb.)
  • Individual Triathlon Wednesday 18 February 9.00am-10.30am (ppd 19 Feb.)
  • Meet the Teacher 6.00-6.40pm(tbc) Wed. 18 Feb in R7
  • Teams’ Tri. 24 Feb. 9.00am-11.00am
  • Camp 2-4 March @ Hanmer - Parent helpers/transport forms due this TUESDAY 10 Feb. and consent/medical forms due this FRIDAY 13 Feb.

Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).
If you would like to talk to me it would be best to catch me after 3.00pm as things tend to be hectic in the morning . Alternatively you can phone me at school and leave a message on 351 9788 ext. 828 or e-mail me at (the best option!)

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Carina.(13 Feb.), Mr N. (24th Feb.)
Class Captain: Theresa
Class Secretary: Moss

I look forward to meeting you all on Wednesday 18 Feb.
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Congratulations Amelia NEW RECORD HOLDER!!

Congratulations to Amelia who broke the Junior Girls' 1 Length Breaststroke Record at the Swimming Heats on Thursday 5 February. Amelia swam her heat in 24.10 seconds for the 22m to beat the 2003 record of 24.32 held by Tiffany H. Well done Amelia, Team 7 is very proud of you!

Amelia and Stella (top qualifier in the Backstroke) have qualified for all three Junior Girls' finals and Team 7 will be supporting them.

Well done to all Team 7 children who competed at the heats and to those who took times also.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Aq worlds

Aq worlds is an online game where you do quests with friends.
and vs monsters all around Lore.
you may not know what Lore is.
Lore is Aq world's home world 
but if you are a member
you can go to three new places -
the shallow, club house
and ruins.
So play Aq Worlds today
by Jacob

The day of School

The  first day of School  in  2009

I  think Team Seven is a  GREAT !  CLASS !
 We get to  paint a  baton in white
MR NORTON   is  a   good  teacher 
We sang : WE  GOING TO  HAVE  A  PARTY !
Then we had our basic facts , my score  was :59 / 100
and we  had fun.


The day of School

School open

On the first day of school I knew it was going to be a great year.
Firstly we sang a song call "Were gonna have a party".
Secondly Mr N show us what relay batons are of .
We found out that relay batons are made out of flax stalk.
Then it was morning tea,we got really bored cause we don't know what to play.
After morning tea we went Swimming! . Although it was fun the water is very cold. When we came back from swimming .After swimming we did a Basic facts test also known as maths my score was 75 wow I was surprised after the Holiday I haven't eve being studying.Well then it was lunch I was bored for and hour ,Finally it was over.Then Mr N read a book written by"Kenneth Oppel " and award winning author with the book called "Air born"but this book were reading is called "Dark wing".After "Dark wing" we went on paint our batons.First we have to paint it white then we paint it our house colour then we add patterns and Varnish them.

by Xiling

First day back at school

Today the class did a big basic facts test.
The basic facts test had 100 questions and we had
to try to get it done 6mins and 30secs.
It was hard.
And today we also painted our batons white
and tomorrow we are going to paint them
our house colour.

By Ben

First day back!

First day back!

On the first day I felt so nervous when I first step in the 
class room,but after that I feel more better .
On the first day my favorite activity was swimming,
the water was freezing!
We did a maths test earlier on the day,
on the results for the test I got 76/100.
So I thought this class is much better because there's a

BY :Xiaoling

The first day of school

On the first day of school I did some basic facts of maths and we did some writing. We went swimming and we did a relay. I was very excited. Mr Norton gave us each a baton.We are going to paint them on Thursday.I had a great and awesome first day at school.

Relay batons

Relay Batons

A few days ago we made some relay batons out of flax.
We then painted the batons our house color.We're going to decorate and varnish
them soon.

Mine was green. Mr.Norton bets that we can't keep our batons for a whole year.
But I think we can.

By Theresa

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day One

First day back
First we had a song it was called "We're gonna have a party".
After lunch we went swimming.
Then Mr Norton read "Darkwing"

By Jessica

Sam makes Ten Minutes Hanging!!! - Day One 2009

Hi one in Team 7 is over and we had 10 enthusiastic boys and 16 keen girls making up our class! Highlight of the day was a brilliant 10 min. hang from the bars by Sam!!

We sang, swam, painted, ran, read, wrote, smiled.....a super start to a super class and welcome to Rachel on her first day at FOS.

Newsletter Term 1 Week 1

Dear Parents/Care givers
Welcome to a new year and a new term at Fendalton School and in Team 7. I am privileged to be the teacher of your son or daughter this year. I look forward to working closely with you and your child as we discover the best ways for them to learn and grow. I value the essential role you play as parents/care givers in the educational development of your child. Your support at home of what we do in the classroom is vital for learning to be reinforced. If at any time you are unsure of what you can do, or if your child is unsure, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
About myself.....
I have four children, Joshua who is 14 at the end of March, Emily who is almost 11 and a 1/2, Grace who is 3 and a half and Lily who is 10 months old. Josh is a Year 10 at Unlimited Paenga Tawhiti High school in town and Emily a Year 7 at Casebrook Intermediate School. I am married to to Tina Norton who was Miss Priest and may have taught your child as a new entrant.

I have taught for 11 and a half years at Fendalton School. Before teaching I was involved in Advertising and more latterly Youth Work. I love all sport and all chocolate and liquorice! I love to see children laugh, sing and have fun.
  • Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).
  • Each child will also need to bring a school sun hat in order to play outside. We have some Sunscreen lotion in the class - Cancer Society brand.
  • School starts at 8.55am each day and the classroom will be open from 8.30am - could children please not arrive earlier than this - or they will need to wait outside.
  • If you would like to talk to me it would be best to catch me after 3.00pm as things tend to be hectic in the morning . Alternatively you can phone me at school and leave a message on 351 9788 ext. 828 or e-mail me at (the best option!)
  • @Home (Home Work) will commence next week. This will include spelling words, a reading and fitness log to fill in and some basic facts. From time to time there may be some work to finish or a special item of preparation.
  • Remember that children are to wear Sports uniform every Friday.
  • Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.
  • I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.
  • Can all stationery please be named and covered as soon as possible - a list of what each book is for is below. Could you please name pens and pencils also.
  • THIS WEEK: Thursday- Champs. swimming heats and Summer Sports Options due in.
I look forward to meeting you all.
Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

Our web page:

Happy Birthday
Amine (9 Jan.),Amelia (11 Jan.), Stella (19 Jan.)Annabelle (24 Jan.)Ben C. (6 Feb.) Carina.(13 Feb.), Mr N. (24th Feb.)

Mr Norton’s Class 2009 STATIONERY

1 x 1L4 - Poetry
3 x 1B5 1. Draft Writing
2. @Home
3. Language/HW/Reading
2 x 1A8 1. Maths
2. Inquiry/Thinking
1 x 14B5 - publishing pad
1 x QB interleaved -Maths

2 x pencils
12 pack coloured pencils
1 x 6B sketching pencil
2 x fine black vivids
1 x whiteboard marker
4 pack of Highlighters
1 x eraser
1 x ruler
1 x blue pen
1 x red pen
1 x green pen
1 x large glue stick

Not included in list but can you please obtain:
2 x 40 page clear files* 1. Music/ singing
2. Portfolio/ Inquiry
*NZ Oxford School Dictionary - available from office