Friday, February 6, 2009

Congratulations Amelia NEW RECORD HOLDER!!

Congratulations to Amelia who broke the Junior Girls' 1 Length Breaststroke Record at the Swimming Heats on Thursday 5 February. Amelia swam her heat in 24.10 seconds for the 22m to beat the 2003 record of 24.32 held by Tiffany H. Well done Amelia, Team 7 is very proud of you!

Amelia and Stella (top qualifier in the Backstroke) have qualified for all three Junior Girls' finals and Team 7 will be supporting them.

Well done to all Team 7 children who competed at the heats and to those who took times also.


Room 7 said...

hey sweetheart!!! I just read your blog ..... and I'm not very happy about your FANTASTIC swimming achievement in backstroke!!!
I am "the back stroke Queen"!!!! and if you beat me I will have to ........cry!!! That will not be a pretty sight!!!
But seriously I am really proud of you. You go down in history at your school!! What a buzzzzz!!!
I am looking forward to our next trip to the swimmong pool together when I come to stay with your in Christchurch.
Lots of Love Liz (crazy Liz)

Room 7 said...

It was so cool you showing up ay MY school today in Queenstown. What a great surprise!!! It has been months since I last saw you.
Thanks for coming to stay and for a really fun weekend.
Can't wait to see you again.
Love from your Queenstown buddy

Anonymous said...

great work Amelia
from Katie.H