Sunday, November 2, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 4

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Sorry I wasn’t there on Monday but our family was struck down with a bug as I know some of the boys have been recently.

The boys all really tried their hardest last week at the Athletic Sports and it was great to see lots of family and friends there to support them also. This week we have our last Gym visit on Wednesday - any of you are welcome to come along and see the boys. This Saturday is the election and we are having our own election in class and the boys have made up seven different parties.

This Sunday is the Fendalton Carnival from 11.00am -3.00pm

Week Three
Last week we published our instructions for How to Cook a BBQ, we made seven political parties, visited the Chch. School of Gym for the second to last time and we were involved in the Athletic Sports on Thursday. We were all involved in the Boys’ Choir on Friday with Miss Alley and we learnt about the colour wheel with artist Graham Braddock.

Week Four
Mr Wyatt is teaching the class for three mornings this week. We have our last trip to the CSOG on Wednesday morning and we will write some instructions for our Buddy Classes to make Jelly. We will continue on our elections unit, “Vote for Me” and we will have our second session of Boys Choir on Friday. We also have a Fendalton Friends Chalk challenge on Thursday and a spelling levels test this week too.

Dates Coming Up:
5 Movember. CSG Gym visit
9 Movember : Fendalton Carnival
13 Nov. West Zone Athletics
14 Mov. SHOW DAY
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • From next week the boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • A reminder that boys can only wear sports caps at practices and at games.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

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