Saturday, November 22, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 7

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi there everyone
Only four weeks of school to go and lots of things happening...including the Ice Breaker Pool Party this Thursday and Mo Day on Friday (boys to wear a Mo and bring a donation for Men's Health. We had our elections last week and the "Birth of the Beginning Party" will rule Team 7 for the last two weeks of term and the Prime Minister will be Ollie King and Deputy Will Methven. Please return READ, FEED, SPEED notices as soon as you can.

We had an incident of bullying last week, both physical and verbal, in the class before school. Ms. Beuzenberg and myself have spoken to the boys concerned, parents and to the class as a whole. It was very disappointing to have this in the class. We have a no tolerance policy for any type of bullying at Fendalton School. If at any time your son mentions anything in this area, please contact myself or Ms. B. immediately.

Week Six
Last week we will made another slice (Honey Rice Bubble - Mr N.'s secret energy food), met with our buddies to decorate and eat Gingerbread Men, attend a Melbourne celebration (with Connor taking part), swam some, did some more spelling work on our level words and played some more cricket games in P.E. We had our election and did some clay work with Mrs Coats.

Week Seven
This week we will all write a short Book Review on the Library Blog, start some Volleyball lessons, meet with our Room 22 buddies, continue spelling work on our levels and all participate in the Boys' Choir again on Friday.

Dates Coming Up:
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party 5-7pm
28 Mov. MO DAY- wear a Mo and bring a donation
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
16 Dec. FOS Cycling Champs Finals with Hayden Roulstan
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • Please make sure boys wear the correct Summer Uniform at all times - sports shoes are NOT to be worn to or from school except on Fridays.
  • MO DAY on Friday.
  • NO DADS this Friday for our sausage sizzle as it is READ, FEED, SPEED next Friday (11.30am - 1.00pm)

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

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