Thursday, November 6, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Well, what a weekend with the Election and the Carnival! Thanks to all of you who helped out with the sausage sizzle on Sunday and to the boys who put to use their great skills learnt from Fridays!

We said farewell to Mr Patrick Wyatt after his four weeks in Team 7. We hope he may pop in to see us again.

The term levy invoices were sent out last week. The levy this term covers our four 1 1/2 Gym lessons, the eight bus trips there and back, our art lesson with Graham Braddock and for some of us, the bus fares to Hagley Park for sport on Fridays. (T-Ball and Touch players)

Week Four
Last week we wrote and shared our instructions on how to make jelly with our five year old buddies from Room 22 - we all enjoyed our jelly on Thursday. We participated in the Fendalton Friends' Chalk Challenge (see Will on the right) and made some posters for our Election Candidates. We had our second session of the Boys' Choir and Mr Wyatt took the class for three mornings last week.

Week Five
This week is another short week and we will hopefully "break the ice" of the swimming pool. We will write some more instructions on how to cook a slice. We will continue with our Brain Bank reading in groups and keep rading "Holes" together.

Dates Coming Up:
13 Mov. West Zone Athletics
14 Mov. SHOW DAY - no school
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • From this week the boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • There are no Tuesday touch games this week due to Cup Week.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

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