Sunday, November 16, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 6

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Half of Term 4 is now gone and some boys only have 25 days of FOS left! We had some amazing success at the West Zones (see earlier blog) on Friday and some boys enjoyed a Lacrosse lesson last week too.

Week Five
Last week we made some slice - see this blog for the recipe - and published the recipe as both instructional writing and a handwriting sample. We went for a few swims, sung about"Bones", did some spelling work and read more of "Holes". We visited the Library and learnt that we have to put a review on the Library blog by Wednesday 26 Movember. We made a blog about our political parties and about 10 of us competed at the West Zone Athletic sports.

Week Six
This week we will make another slice (Honey Rice Bubble - Mr N.'s secret energy food), meet with our buddies, attend a Melbourne celebration (with Connor taking part), swim some more, do some more spelling work on our level words and play some more cricket games in P.E. We will have our election and have Boys' Choir again on Friday.

Dates Coming Up:
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
28 Mov. MO DAY
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

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