Dear parents/caregivers
Hi there everyone
We are looking forward to seeing all the Dads and other males in the school this Friday at the Read, Feed, Speed. See all of you at 11.30am sharp at Room 7. The Boys' Choir will perform to them at 12.00noon and Paul Sibson wants to briefly talk to the Dads also. Please return and remaining READ, FEED, SPEED notices as soon as you can, along with sausage orders.
All the best to our athletes competing at the Centrals at QEII this Tuesday. Mrs Nicola Evans will be in Team 7 on Tuesday as I will be with the team. A few of the boys are in our first ever Lacrosse team and will be travelling with Mr. Stokes to play Paparoa Street on Tuesday afternoon also.
Week SevenThis week we all wrote a short Book Review on the Library Blog - do have a look at the Library pages off the school web site. Our Room 22 buddies cam to see us in Room 7 and we continued with our spelling work on our levels and all participated in the Boys' Choir on Friday. We started a class Non-stop Cricket tournament and did some more clay work with Mrs Coats on Thursday.
Week EightThis week we will participate in some Readers' Theatre, continue a spelling focus (including a spelling test) and finish up our Non-stop cricket tournament. We will start to organise the first ever FOS Cycle champs and our political leaders will start organising our last two weeks of 2009 in Team 7.
Dates Coming Up:2 Dec. Athletics Centrals @ QEII and Lacrosse game vs. Paparoa St.
4 Dec. Ice Breaker Pool Party 5-7pm
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm (Boys' Choir performing at 12.00pm in the Village)
12 Dec. Milo Trophy Cricket Finals @ Hagley Park (Sam M-C, Hugo, Thomas and Quinn)
12 Dec. Final Celebration Assembly
16 Dec. FOS Cycling Champs Finals with Hayden Roulstan
17 Dec. Leavers' Poo Party 1.00-3.00pm
18 Dec.Leavers' Graduation Assembly 1.40pm
19 Dec. Last day of term
Notices:- Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
- Please make sure boys wear the correct Summer Uniform at all times - sports shoes are NOT to be worn to or from school except on Fridays.
Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach