Sunday, November 30, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 8

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi there everyone
We are looking forward to seeing all the Dads and other males in the school this Friday at the Read, Feed, Speed. See all of you at 11.30am sharp at Room 7. The Boys' Choir will perform to them at 12.00noon and Paul Sibson wants to briefly talk to the Dads also. Please return and remaining READ, FEED, SPEED notices as soon as you can, along with sausage orders.

All the best to our athletes competing at the Centrals at QEII this Tuesday. Mrs Nicola Evans will be in Team 7 on Tuesday as I will be with the team. A few of the boys are in our first ever Lacrosse team and will be travelling with Mr. Stokes to play Paparoa Street on Tuesday afternoon also.

Week Seven
This week we all wrote a short Book Review on the Library Blog - do have a look at the Library pages off the school web site. Our Room 22 buddies cam to see us in Room 7 and we continued with our spelling work on our levels and all participated in the Boys' Choir on Friday. We started a class Non-stop Cricket tournament and did some more clay work with Mrs Coats on Thursday.

Week Eight
This week we will participate in some Readers' Theatre, continue a spelling focus (including a spelling test) and finish up our Non-stop cricket tournament. We will start to organise the first ever FOS Cycle champs and our political leaders will start organising our last two weeks of 2009 in Team 7.

Dates Coming Up:
2 Dec. Athletics Centrals @ QEII and Lacrosse game vs. Paparoa St.
4 Dec. Ice Breaker Pool Party 5-7pm
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm (Boys' Choir performing at 12.00pm in the Village)
12 Dec. Milo Trophy Cricket Finals @ Hagley Park (Sam M-C, Hugo, Thomas and Quinn)
12 Dec. Final Celebration Assembly
16 Dec. FOS Cycling Champs Finals with Hayden Roulstan
17 Dec. Leavers' Poo Party 1.00-3.00pm
18 Dec.Leavers' Graduation Assembly 1.40pm
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • Please make sure boys wear the correct Summer Uniform at all times - sports shoes are NOT to be worn to or from school except on Fridays.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 7

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi there everyone
Only four weeks of school to go and lots of things happening...including the Ice Breaker Pool Party this Thursday and Mo Day on Friday (boys to wear a Mo and bring a donation for Men's Health. We had our elections last week and the "Birth of the Beginning Party" will rule Team 7 for the last two weeks of term and the Prime Minister will be Ollie King and Deputy Will Methven. Please return READ, FEED, SPEED notices as soon as you can.

We had an incident of bullying last week, both physical and verbal, in the class before school. Ms. Beuzenberg and myself have spoken to the boys concerned, parents and to the class as a whole. It was very disappointing to have this in the class. We have a no tolerance policy for any type of bullying at Fendalton School. If at any time your son mentions anything in this area, please contact myself or Ms. B. immediately.

Week Six
Last week we will made another slice (Honey Rice Bubble - Mr N.'s secret energy food), met with our buddies to decorate and eat Gingerbread Men, attend a Melbourne celebration (with Connor taking part), swam some, did some more spelling work on our level words and played some more cricket games in P.E. We had our election and did some clay work with Mrs Coats.

Week Seven
This week we will all write a short Book Review on the Library Blog, start some Volleyball lessons, meet with our Room 22 buddies, continue spelling work on our levels and all participate in the Boys' Choir again on Friday.

Dates Coming Up:
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party 5-7pm
28 Mov. MO DAY- wear a Mo and bring a donation
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
16 Dec. FOS Cycling Champs Finals with Hayden Roulstan
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • Please make sure boys wear the correct Summer Uniform at all times - sports shoes are NOT to be worn to or from school except on Fridays.
  • MO DAY on Friday.
  • NO DADS this Friday for our sausage sizzle as it is READ, FEED, SPEED next Friday (11.30am - 1.00pm)

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

Thursday, November 20, 2008


This wild and fizzy story is about Fizzer Boyd and Tupai White who set out on a journey to save COCA-COLA!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Honey Rice Bubbles

4 cups of rice bubbles
2 tbsp of honey
125gm of butter
125gms  sugar


one slice tin
wooden spoon
large pot
sharp knife

1. Before you go any further you should wash your hands
2. Melt the sugar,honey and butter in the pot
3. Boil the ingredients for 3mins:30 seconds and add rice bubbles straight away and mix thoroughly
4. Put the mixture straight into the slice tin
5. Press the mixture into the slice tin 
6. Push in the mixture in the sides and the middle
7. Cut the slice then eat and enjoy.

by George Humphreys

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 6

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Half of Term 4 is now gone and some boys only have 25 days of FOS left! We had some amazing success at the West Zones (see earlier blog) on Friday and some boys enjoyed a Lacrosse lesson last week too.

Week Five
Last week we made some slice - see this blog for the recipe - and published the recipe as both instructional writing and a handwriting sample. We went for a few swims, sung about"Bones", did some spelling work and read more of "Holes". We visited the Library and learnt that we have to put a review on the Library blog by Wednesday 26 Movember. We made a blog about our political parties and about 10 of us competed at the West Zone Athletic sports.

Week Six
This week we will make another slice (Honey Rice Bubble - Mr N.'s secret energy food), meet with our buddies, attend a Melbourne celebration (with Connor taking part), swim some more, do some more spelling work on our level words and play some more cricket games in P.E. We will have our election and have Boys' Choir again on Friday.

Dates Coming Up:
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
28 Mov. MO DAY
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • Boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Team 7 Rule West Zone Athletic Sports

Team 7 members were dominant at the West Zone Athletic Sports at the University track in Ilam on Thursday.

Will and Sam H were members of the winning 9 years boys 4 x 50m relay team then both went on to win individual sprint titles, Sam in the 80m and Will in the 50m. Quinn took a good 3rd in the 1000m for 9 year olds (3m39) and Sam H also took 3rd in the High Jump as well.

The 4 x 50m 10 years boys winning relay were 3/4 from Team 7 with Thomas, Angus and Hugo being members. Harry (3m37s) and Joseph(3m38s) were 1st and 2nd in the 1000m and then Thomas ran superbly to take the 80m title and followed it up with a 3rd in the High Jump.

Sam M-C took an excellent 3rd in the 11 years boys Shot Put against Year 7 competition.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Welcome to Team 7s Blog

Welcome to our blog, I hope you enjoy it.

Vote for us plzzz!!!

Plz vote for us, our candidate Nader, will let you do cool things and a lot of stuff.

Vote for Nader

Nader rox because we will let u do many thins u want to do so vote for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cameron's Club Fudge

I made some club fudge that tasted really good.
I didn't even need a recipe!

Athletics Team

On Thursday the 13th of November the athletics team are going to Ilam fields to compete in the West Zone athletics.
I am in three things, shot put, relay and 80 m sprints.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Bloging about VOTE 4 ME!

Yesterday (10.11.08)
We (Citizens party) were blogging about our party the orignal Citizens party.
We also took photographs of our party holding a KONA (bike company) bike.
So who are you going to vote THE CITIZENS PARTY.
People in our party Hugo,Johny,Thomas and Ryan

What Room 7 did in Monday

What Room 7 did yesterday

(10.11.08)Yesterday we watched Mr. Norton make club fudge we made a big fudge it was yummy. We had to go to the staff room it's easy to make it takes 15 minutes. We ate it at the class meeting the recipe is on the blog. It has a picture.           

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Citizens Party


Here are our promises:
1. We will organise the Team 7 triathlon to Lyttelton.

2. We will also organise the first ever FOS Cycle Champs.

3. We will organise a Swim Party.

4. We have a "FLOW DAY".

Here is a photo of our party.

The citizenship party


Our candidate Nader will let you ...
picture of Nader on the right. 

1. Play any games at any time still do some work though.

2. And let you go swimming lots.

3. Have a disco every term for the year 6s.

4. Have a water fight year 5s against the year 6s on a hot day! :) 

5. Plus for the  play sports for the afternoon on Wednesdays.
So just put a tick on the citizenship party.

Birth of the beginning

Eric, the one to vote for, candidate of birth of the beginning

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make sure we have  at least five games a week 

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have two muftis a week.

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fun events like pet days.

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hand out lollies to all those that vote for us. 

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give you continuous fun and enjoyment.

WE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep our promise

birth of the beginning:

Party Vote Get Yourself Together, Scott, Joseph, Ollie and, George H

Party Vote G.Y.T

As you all know we are the Get Yourself Together party I know it sounds silly but hey we have better policy's 

Our very own Candidate is: Oliver K

And are very own secretary is: George H

If you vote for us we will: 

Do the Triathlon we had planed
Have another Flow Day 
have 1 game every dayAdd Image
Have 20 Min's free time every day
We do cooking every week
No Maths for 2 weeks

By Joseph and George Ollie and Scott


Animal Future

                   Party Vote                                   Animal Future

We promise to have a  class Pet day                                              
 We promise to have at least 2 games a day 
We promise to organise the class Triathlon

We promise to have a Flow day

You are voting for                      
Sam B       and your candidate: WILL M 
Sam H                  
Sammy T                   

Party Vote NZ Animal Care

  1. If you vote for us we will organize a pet day.
  2. A flow day. ( you can choose what you do all day)
  3. A food stall. (for the seniors)
  4. No @home.

Rugby reunion party



vote Rugby reunion

Vote rugby reunion and the things we will promise:

No maths for two days,a game a day the 

The person you will be voting for is:

Quinn as candidate and the member's are Harry,Gus,Liam and Quinn

Yummy Fudge

We made fudge this morning. We are going to eat it at the class meeting.
2 Cups Flour )
1 Cup Coconut ) Mix together
1 Cup Sugar )
1 Tablespoon Cocoa )

150gms butter ) Melt together
1 Tablespoon Golden Syrup )

Add wet ingredients to dry and mix together till no dry ingredients remain
Press into a slice tin - approx. 25 x 35cm
Bake for 10-15 mins. at 180 degrees Celsius - till edges are cooked

Ice immediately with:
1 1/2 cups icing sugar )
dollop of butter in boiling water ) Mix with a fork
1 Tablespoon Cocoa )

Spread on icing and sprinkle with coconut, cut immediately with a clean knife (clean after each cut). Set in fridge for 20-30 mins. if you can wait!

Eat and enjoy!

By Nader

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 5

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Well, what a weekend with the Election and the Carnival! Thanks to all of you who helped out with the sausage sizzle on Sunday and to the boys who put to use their great skills learnt from Fridays!

We said farewell to Mr Patrick Wyatt after his four weeks in Team 7. We hope he may pop in to see us again.

The term levy invoices were sent out last week. The levy this term covers our four 1 1/2 Gym lessons, the eight bus trips there and back, our art lesson with Graham Braddock and for some of us, the bus fares to Hagley Park for sport on Fridays. (T-Ball and Touch players)

Week Four
Last week we wrote and shared our instructions on how to make jelly with our five year old buddies from Room 22 - we all enjoyed our jelly on Thursday. We participated in the Fendalton Friends' Chalk Challenge (see Will on the right) and made some posters for our Election Candidates. We had our second session of the Boys' Choir and Mr Wyatt took the class for three mornings last week.

Week Five
This week is another short week and we will hopefully "break the ice" of the swimming pool. We will write some more instructions on how to cook a slice. We will continue with our Brain Bank reading in groups and keep rading "Holes" together.

Dates Coming Up:
13 Mov. West Zone Athletics
14 Mov. SHOW DAY - no school
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • From this week the boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • There are no Tuesday touch games this week due to Cup Week.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Newsletter Term 4 Week 4

Dear parents/caregivers

Hi again
Sorry I wasn’t there on Monday but our family was struck down with a bug as I know some of the boys have been recently.

The boys all really tried their hardest last week at the Athletic Sports and it was great to see lots of family and friends there to support them also. This week we have our last Gym visit on Wednesday - any of you are welcome to come along and see the boys. This Saturday is the election and we are having our own election in class and the boys have made up seven different parties.

This Sunday is the Fendalton Carnival from 11.00am -3.00pm

Week Three
Last week we published our instructions for How to Cook a BBQ, we made seven political parties, visited the Chch. School of Gym for the second to last time and we were involved in the Athletic Sports on Thursday. We were all involved in the Boys’ Choir on Friday with Miss Alley and we learnt about the colour wheel with artist Graham Braddock.

Week Four
Mr Wyatt is teaching the class for three mornings this week. We have our last trip to the CSOG on Wednesday morning and we will write some instructions for our Buddy Classes to make Jelly. We will continue on our elections unit, “Vote for Me” and we will have our second session of Boys Choir on Friday. We also have a Fendalton Friends Chalk challenge on Thursday and a spelling levels test this week too.

Dates Coming Up:
5 Movember. CSG Gym visit
9 Movember : Fendalton Carnival
13 Nov. West Zone Athletics
14 Mov. SHOW DAY
27 Mov. Ice Breaker Pool Party
5 Dec. Read, Feed, Speed - all Dads needed 11.30am - 1.00pm
18 Dec. Leavers' Graduation Assembly
19 Dec. Last day of term

  • From next week the boys need to bring their SWIMMING TOGS each day to school.
  • A reminder that boys can only wear sports caps at practices and at games.

Paul Norton, Team 7 Coach