Tuesday, March 10, 2009


On 4 March, room 7 was on camp and made Bivouacs.Bivouacs are huts made out of anything that you can find.I was in a group with Brad(parent),Logan,Madison,Jacob and Yong.The main thing that a Bivouac needs is support.If a Bivouac doesn't have support then it would collapse just like a human with no bones!

Hobo-stoves are used by 'hobos',People who live on the in the wild or on the streets.We made hobo-stoves on camp on cooked pancakes on them.Yum-yum.We could become wild men!Unfortunately we go to school and our parents would tell us off and Say's spent all the money on school fees just for you and now your going to live in the wild?!?!What a waste of good money!'.So if you make hobo-stoves on camp don't get any ideas!

You may think that parachutes are only for airborne activities but if you do you thought wrong and I'm Positive!On the last day of camp(my true love sent to me)room7 played with a parachute.The first activity we did was called cat and mouse and that was really fun and then we played popcorn.Popcorn is fun because the more balls you use the harder it gets!

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