On Monday night at 7:00 till 9:00 we went Diamond Smuggling.
Everyone was involved.
We got a Diamond from Mr Norton.
Then we ran through the river. And I fell in!
It was frezzing cold!!!!
I ran past 3 pearents.
Group B won by 2 points.
Then we went back to camp.
I was even more colder!!!!!!
I really enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!
The End
By Carina
Feedback from the Tech Wizards:
You introduced your story really well.
Feedback from the Tech Wizards:
You used colours which made it stand out and made it more interesting.
Feedback from the Tech Wizards:
You explained what Diamond Smuggling is really well.
The Diamond smuggling was so much fun!! I really enjoyed hiding in the trees then totally taking everyone by surprise and stealing their diamonds!! It was so much fun!
Miss J
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