Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lost In The Forest.

At 2:00pm on day two of camp in Hanmer, group D did Orienteering.
First, the leader, Heather gave us a map, a compass, a pencil and paper and if we needed it, a stop watch. Next we learnt how to read the map and how to use the compass. We had ninety minutes to find all the markers [controls] and the most points you could get was 600. Unfortunately,my team split up,so it was only me and Rachel. We met Rachel's dad on the way so he came with us right to the end.
When we got back,we found out that we had come 2nd with 520!!!!! WOW!!!!!!! I never thought we would get anywhere near 1st!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ursula said...

Hi Stella

What a great recount! I really felt I was there with you. And it was so colourful too.
Amazing to get second too. You never know until you try.
Good on Rachel and her dad too.


Mum (Urs)