Saturday, March 7, 2009

Newsletter Term One Week 6

Dear Parents/Care givers
Hi there everyone.
We had an amazing camp last week and hopefully you will read all about it on this blog this week.

Week Five
The week was mainly our Camp at Hanmer (see pic. of the boys building a bivvy) which was awesome. Thanks to the parents who came and to the parents who transported us. We also met with our buddy class to look at Assembly for next week. We did a PAT listening test and also our first spelling levels test. We also played Sport on Friday and shared some freeze frame shots of our camp at Senior Assembly.
Week Six
This week we are writing some recounts on camp, working on Camp Maths and getting ready to share at Assembly on Friday. We will have another class meeting and change jobs and seats. We hope to have our last sessions in the pool.
A few dates:
  • West Zone Swimming Sports-Thursday 12 March at Jellie Park 12.30-2.30pm
  • PSC Triathlon - Wednesday 18 March
Can children please bring their swimming togs and towel each day (or a note if they are unable to swim).

Physical activity is vital for learning and health. We will do some daily and therefore children need appropriate footwear. If possible could children please bring along an old pair of sports shoes to have in the room by the back door.

I also encourage all children to have a water bottle(for water only) in the classroom. They are also able to eat fresh or dried fruit at anytime throughout the day.

Happy Birthday
Jacob - March 15th
Class Captain: Ben J
Class Secretary: Georgia

Yours sincerely
Paul Norton, the Coach, Team 7 2009

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