Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hot Pools

It was Tuesday,6:45pm in the evening when
everybody gathered at the courtyard.
Mrs Harford talked to us about which car 
we're going in.
After the talk we went in the cars(I got to go 
in Mrs Harfords car!).
We got to the hot pools and I was still in line to get my Hydro slide pass.
When we got our pass the life guard talked to us about safety and which pools we were allowed in,at the same time some people got changed.
Some ran to the normal pools and some ran to the hydro slides.
                                                                  After an hour it started to get cold so some                                                                     people got out and got changed.
                                                                  Few minutes passed,we gathered at the
                                                                  fresh water pools Mrs Harford talked to us,
                                                                  then we left the pools and went back to 
            I enjoyed it!



1 comment:

Room 7 said...

it was freezing cold right?